An overpayment of food stamps is not a domestic support obligation (DSO). Bankruptcy Judge Deborah L. Thorne from the Northern District of Illinois chimed in on this issue with her recent decision in Tyeane Halbert v. James T. Dimas, as...
Z is for Zero! Our last installment in our Bankruptcy alphabet series
Zero. That is how much unsecured debt remains after a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy discharge.
Y is for You Did It! You got a bankruptcy discharge!
Y was a tough letter to find to post about for bankruptcy.Not many bankruptcy terms begin with the letter Y, there isn't much caselaw that starts with the letter Y.No Judge has a name that starts with a Y in Chicago
So, I figure I'll...
D is for Discharge
D. Choosing which topic for D was daunting. LOL, get it, D(aunting)? I Digress. I could have went with Debtor, Disposable Income, Domestic Support Obligations, Debtor Education Certificates among others. But, what do...
When can I file Bankruptcy again?
Bankruptcy Law Question:
Subject: Filed as individual 3 years ago
Question:Hi. About 3 years ago I filed chapter 7 as an individual because I wasn't married. Now i'm married and unfortunately got myself into some more debt. Can I...
Selling home after bankruptcy
Subject: selling home Question: How long after I have been discharged can I sell my home Answer: Once you receive your discharge, you can sell at any time.If...
Rapid Fire Q&A
Here are a sampling of questions I have been getting regarding bankruptcy an bankruptcy process. If you would like further bankruptcy information, please contact my law office.