Did you know that a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 can stop a wage assignment?Did you know that I, as your bankruptcy attorney can stop a wage assignment even without filing your case?Credit unions, payday loans, and internet loans to name a few,...
Northern District of Illinois Bankruptcy Filing Statistics – 2014 Year to date
So far, in 2014 there have been 29,052 bankruptcy cases filed in the Northern District of Illinois
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing fee increases
I just received a memo from the United States Bankruptcy Court indicating that the filing fees for bankruptcy cases will be increasing effective June 1, 2014.
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Z is for Zero! Our last installment in our Bankruptcy alphabet series
Zero. That is how much unsecured debt remains after a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy discharge.
Y is for You Did It! You got a bankruptcy discharge!
Y was a tough letter to find to post about for bankruptcy.Not many bankruptcy terms begin with the letter Y, there isn't much caselaw that starts with the letter Y.No Judge has a name that starts with a Y in Chicago
So, I figure I'll...
V is for …. Valuation of assets in bankruptcy
With chapter 7 bankruptcy, putting a value on your assets is of utmost importance.
Each state gives debtors limited exemptions to protect assets, so the proper value of your belongings is crucial. Now, in general, the trustee in your...
U is for Unsecured Debt in bankruptcy
Unsecured debt is the debt most debtors in bankruptcy are looking to discharge. This includes credit cards, medical bills, utility bills. It also covers repossessions, broken leases and foreclosure deficiencies.
Tax debt and child...
Deeds and Homeowner Association Fees – Bankruptcy Home Blog
Deeds and Homeowner Association Fees - Bankruptcy Home Blog
Interesting fact pattern here. The spin I see is that the debtor files bankruptcy and 'surrenders' the home.Many mistakenly believe discharging the mortgage means the house is...
T is for Terrance Leeders – head bankrutpcy attorney and owner of Leeders & Associates
Hi All. I was recently interviewed for an article by BankruptcyHome.com. I have enclosed a link to their article. If anyone as has any further questions, feel free to contact me at Leederslaw.com, or call me at...